Applejack has a hard time understanding certain… romantic social cues. This is proven a point when a certain “Best Friend” goes a bit overboard trying to get the farmer’s attention. With Applejack constantly worried about the farm, school work, and saving the world, it proves a bit of a challenge when you realize you’ve never really been in a relationship and don’t know the cues. Is she just being friendly??? of course!
This is brought to Sunset’s attention when she’s trusted with Applejack’s issues. She’s utterly BAFFLED how she couldn’t understand the cues laid at her feet. Jokes on them both, Sunset is having the same fuckin issue and doesn’t realize.
Sunset tries to steer Applejack in the right direction but fails to get her to realize, only getting AJ to flint back unknowingly, causing frustration with both Sunset and Rarity. The big knuckle head needs to get it together honestly :/
Have a PHAT post!
I can not understand for the life of me how this ship FLEW past my head when I got into the show. I started to rewatch the show for potential ships to bring in and God DAMN was this one just oozing out of every corner. I’ll definitely be posting more, though not sure when. But for now! have this with my humble satisfaction!