Name: Firework
Nickname(s): Firework Phosphorus Flare (full name)
Age: 21
Birthday: July 4
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Soarin’
Siblings: Lightning Bolt (older brother), Paint Swirl (younger sister)
Future Spouse: Dusk Star
Children: Skydancer (son), Starflower (daughter), Moonbow (future daughter), Orange Soda (future son)
Firework is the ponified version of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. He’s a bit of a goofball but he doesn’t know when to stop, often going overboard with his lack of a filter. His biggest interests include sex, alcohol, and parties, which don’t exactly set him on the best path. However, Firework means well, having a big heart underneath his hothead exterior. He genuinely cares about others, though he’s unlikely to admit it or show it in obvious ways. But those who really get to know him can see his kinder side that he has trouble expressing, if they look closely enough.
Firework is definitely his mother’s son, and not always in a good way. While he and Rainbow Dash do love each other deep down, their combined hotheaded natures cause them to get on each other’s nerves a lot. Rainbow is pretty tired of Firework’s BS and he gets sick of her nagging him, which can lead to arguments. Soarin is honestly a bit intimidated by it all, but he tries his best to be a mediator.
While he also loves his siblings, Firework tends to get on their nerves too. He and Lightning bicker a lot, with Lightning always trying to keep Firework in line and Firework getting sick of Lightning being so strict and boring. After all, he used to be cool. Firework loves Paint in that affectionate big-brotherly way, but this also includes him teasing her about her love life and generally overwhelming her. Lightning tries to get between them, but Paint can stand up for herself when she needs to. And deep down, Firework respects her a lot so he usually listens.
As Firework’s older brother, Lightning was assigned to be the one to look after him and keep him out of trouble. Firework hates this; he just wants to get buzzed and have fun without his wet sack of feathers for a brother nagging him. But at least it means he gets to hang out with Lightning’s hot best friend, Dusk Star. Firework has a major crush on him and he doesn’t know why, but he has no idea how to express it except through drunken flirting. Luckily for him, Dusk has caught on and thinks his attempts are pretty cute. Eventually, someday, Firework will sober up and be honest about his feelings.
He may be a hothead now, but Firework was even more reckless as a teenager. He spent a lot of his time with his equally-reckless girlfriend, Storm Strike, and it was all fun and games until she ended up pregnant with twins. They broke up immediately after she found out, but after a harsh scolding from his parents Firework was forced to get a job, pay child support, and help raise his foals. Luckily, Firework loves his kids and at least tries to be a good father, if a bit playful and irresponsible. He and Storm are on civil terms and have at least made the best out of their situation.
One pony who is almost as hotheaded as a Firework is his friend Hawk Eye. When they’re together there’s guaranteed to be either fun or chaos, depending on one’s perspective. They gave their mothers aneurysms as colts and continue to do so into young adulthood. While they spend less time together than they used to, Firework knows he can always go to Hawk for some fun.
Cutie Mark:
Hence his name, Firework has a way of making a statement. His cutie mark is less a reflection of any specific talent than of his personality—specifically, his penchant for grabbing attention and making noise. While this isn’t always a good thing when he’s being reckless, he also uses this talent to help ponies let loose and have fun. Firework really is an “explosion of color” in many ways!