“Thanks again!” Scootaloo waved to Zecora as she left the zebra’s hut. The potion master wished her well, waved back then returned to her home, closing the door behind her. Scootaloo drunk the potion to ward off the monsters and beasts of the Everfree Forest, gagging at the foul taste. Now all she needed to do was to find the flower Zecora had spoken of. With a quick tightening of her backpack, Scootaloo began making her way to the river near the base of the mountain.
The other day, while Scootaloo was swimming as her friends chatted about their breasts, inspiration struck the orange pegasus. Sweetie Belle wouldn’t share her milk or ‘A Bigger You’ pills but Zecora would most certainly know a method to replicate the effect Apple Bloom enjoyed. No doubt a potion could easily mimic the rapid swelling of her own bosom and then the three could share the spotlight together in equal size. However Zecora was much more cryptic with her aid than the pegasus expected.
“If you wish for such power, you must search for a certain flower,” Zecora began as she set aside the ladle of her current brew. The zebra went to her writing desk and took a blank piece of paper from a stack. She then began to write and draw upon it.
“I must stress that your desire for bigger breasts will be hard to acquire. Find within the forest a species in decline, its magic can be quite tragic. Consume the flower and imagine your new bloom or else doom shall entomb you,” Zecora explained. Scootaloo had tried to puzzle out the zebra’s warning but all was made clear when the paper was handed to the pegasus. Her lavender eyes read the words excitedly then hugged Zecora.
“Thank you, thank you!”
Now it was just a matter of finding the flower. Scootaloo looked over the paper once more, excitedly reading the details written for her and the picture drawn beside it. A rare flower, known only to bloom in the Everfree Forest, has the power to change a pony or beast. All that must be done is to consume the flower in its whole then imagine the desired body. However this is a dangerous flower that has brought about the demise of many before it. If, even for a second, the creature consuming the flower, imagines a different form then they shall transform into that. Zecora had told her a tale of a unicorn who consumed the flower, wishing to be an alicorn, but a bee flew by at the last second. She considered the bee for a moment as the flower’s magic kicked in. Instead of ascending to royalty, the unicorn transformed into a bee with no method to return back. As such, Zecora deeply warned Scootaloo that she’d need a will of steel if this was the path she wanted. In addition the zebra suggested that, perhaps, a larger bust wasn’t the solution to Scootaloo’s happiness. Yet the pegasus was not to be deterred.
Even written upon the page, in bold red ink, was a warning about the flower’s potential backlash. Scootaloo tucked the warning in the back of her mind and focused on the search for the flower. Time flew as she travelled, imagining all the possibilities that could be unlocked. Butterflies danced in her stomach withe each sthought as she searched the forest for her prize.
“A little smaller than those two should be okay… Still let me play my sports and do my tricks… Just enough to fill that t-shirt I brought,” Scootaloo muttered to herself. Indeed she had come prepared. Three days worth of rations, a full day of water, extra clothes for her current size and next. In case of emergencies she had flares and had purchased a stronger signalling phone to ensure she could get signal within the dense forest.
After a few hours of searching in the direction Zecora gave her she finally stumbled upon a bush with dozens of flowers. Scootaloo bound forward and began gently pushing aside flowers and bushes as she searched. The flower would be obvious, multicolored and bright and, probably, one of a kind. Finally she found her prize and plucked it from the bush. The pegasus referred to the page Zecora gave her and smiled. This had to be it. Scootaloo’s heart began to thump harder and faster still.
“Alright, alright… big but not too big…” Scootaloo breathed and imagined her average breasts swelling up to cover her navel. That would be enough and would allow her to share the spotlight with her friends. Before chomping the flower, Scootaloo zipped down her hoodie, exposing her naked torso. Now, with her will steeled and mental image ready, she popped the plant into her mouth. Even before swallowing it, Scootaloo could feel the magic of the flower taking hold. Her bosom became warm and heavy, filling with milk as it grew. Scootaloo looked down with a smile, the green stem pressing against her lip.
‘Not bad!’ She thought and threw her head back to swallow to remainder of the plant. As the flower travelled down her throat, Scootaloo imagined what her friends would say upon her return. Maybe they’d tease her a little about not being as milky as them. And for the briefest of seconds she imagined herself as big as her friends, milky and all. The flower sensed the new image before it was consumed and responded to the thought in full.
Suddenly Scootaloo lurched forward as a sudden weight was added to her chest. Her massive breasts hit the floor with a wet ‘thump’ and the orange wings spread suddenly, hoping to slow the three foot fall.
“No-no!” Scootaloo gasped as she felt the milk within her bosom build up. Already beads of white formed upon her nipple and trickled to the forest floor before. “I-I didn’t mean to be this big!” Scootaloo gasped as her nipples began to squirt milk out to relief the young pegasus of her fullness. The squirting became steady and already a pool of white milk formed at the base of her breasts. Scootaloo looked at her ‘new’ shirt that was now seven sizes too small and groaned loudly. The flower was in her gut, its magic consumed with no way to be reversed now.
“Great…” She muttered and opened her backpack. She pulled out the shirt she had bought for her new size. Even with a brief glance Scootaloo knew she had outgrown it before even putting it on. She tossed the shirt aside then pulled out her phone, still leaning against her oversized and swollen breasts. She scrolled through the contact lists and selected Apple Bloom, knowing full well that even Rainbow Dash couldn’t help her now. The best she could do now was a new set of clothes and returning to Ponyville.
‘Hey Bloom? Can you meet me at Zecora’s? And bring your biggest shirt too.’ Scootaloo punched in then hit send. She then stood up straight, her massive breasts bumping against the forest green khakis. Her phone buzzed back.
“Sure ;)” Apple Bloom had replied. Scootaloo sighed then turned back towards Zecora’s hut. This was going to be a long and heavy trip back.