Originally posted on: June 16, 2017 at 12:06 AM UTC
Deep Sky was wrapping up her stargazing session, packing up her telescope and cleaning up the clearing she was in. Setting her saddlebags on her back, she turns and walks back into the woods towards town, her gaze cast downwards, processing the information she had gotten that night.
The woods were peaceful tonight, the night creatures barely making any noise to disturb Sky. However, she had the strangest feeling; that of being... watched. Something snaped a branch above her, and she looked up, a shriek of surprise from another pony filling her ears as the aforementioned pony's weight landed heavily on her back, forcing her to hit the ground.
"Oof!" The air left her lungs. Whoever was now on her back gave a nervous squeak and quickly got off, offering a jet black hoof up.
"I'm so sorry about that! I didn't mean to fall on you, that branch was weaker than I thought it was!"
Sky accepted the help getting to her hooves, shaking her head to clear it and giving the mare a death glare. No doubt her telescope is broken now too... Her scowl deepened, "Who are you and why are you spying on me?"
The bat-pony gave her an indignant look, "I'm Elly, And I wasn't spying on you, I was making sure you got out of the woods okay."
"As if. Why are you out in the woods yourself then, huh?" Was Sky's angry retort.
"I live here! I'm a bat-pony, for Luna's sake!"
Sky hesitated. It would make sense, she told herself, It is the middle of the night... She shakes her head, "Alright, say you're telling the truth. What would you care about a random earth pony being out and about at night? This isn't the age of Discord, there's nothing to fear anymore."
"Why should I tell you? You're the one who accused me of spying," Was the reply.
"Because you were spying on me. So I want to know why."
"Well I'm not telling!" Elly stated adamantly. Sky groaned, not having the time nor patience for this pony's childish antics. It's almost sunrise and Deep Sky was beginning to feel the effects of her nightly coffee wear off. So, instead of replying to the bat-pony, she simply shouldered her way past Elly, inducing a squeal of 'hey!' from the mare.
Sky bent her ears back and dropped her head, huffing slightly as she continued onward, feeling her supplies dig into newly made bruises.
Yes. A very lovely night indeed.
ocs in this pic:
Elly by PrettyShineGP
Deep Sky ~ Color guide by PrettyShineGPThis wonderfull story was wrote by SwissRoII
thank you so much for such an wonderfull story~<3
wanna make your own story for me ?