There are a great many outfits catering to the more kinky-minded citizens of Equestria, but few are as challenging to wear as the walksuit, which combines a standard fully-body suit and a straitjacket. The wearer is free to walk on their hind legs, but are unable to use their front ones. Because of this, the suit is generally worn only by experienced BDSM practitioners who want to challenge their limits and build a resistance to discomfort; it’s recommended that novices and newcomers to the BDSM scene avoid wearing the walksuit until they get used to standing on their hind legs for long periods of time, though magic can be used to ease or eliminate discomfort if needed. Regardless of skill level, it’s imperative that a handler be present at all times to catch wearers if they lose their balance, as it is impossible for them to catch themselves.
To the surprise of the suit’s manufacturers, the walksuit has also found some use in the penal system, where it is used to restrain prisoners being transferred to penitentiaries; because prisoners who are forced into the suit are unable to run, bolt, or fly, they can be moved around without the need for cuffs or similar restraints. Demonstrating this is Moondancer, who seems to have earned herself a stay in a penitentiary for an unspecified offense, and is currently waiting for her papers to be processed, and her cell prepared. She’s understandably not happy about becoming an inmate, but hopefully her stay won’t be a long one, and she can get back to her books and studies soon enough.