Sometimes a predator bites off more then they can swallow, and in this case, Natayla tried to wolf down Applejack. Unfortunately for the greedy griffon, the orange mare managed to worm-free, leaving the white feathered hen to watch as Giselle swooped in to steal her meal.
The more experienced predator tucking away the apple mare to stew with minimal effort. Natalya now being robbed the pleasure of sleeping off a mare sized meal and the dominant sensation of passing an orange pellet, as well as the ridicule of being outplayed by a flat tooth from her snide peer.
This is a commission I got from doesnotexist during their nomvember event they did this year instead of partaking in inktober. I am very pleased with how this turned out, and I am happy to add another illustration to one of my Gala Saga stories, in this case, Gala grub that can be found here: