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From the creator of this contest
“We’re going to be starting off with Match 4! By a score of 54.6% to 45.4%, the winner of Match 4 is… Derpy Hooves! 335 to 278!”
“Next, we have the winner of Match 3. By a margin of only 51.3% to 48.7%, the winner of Match 3 is…. Twilight Sparkle! By 314 to 298!”
“Next, the winner of Match 2. A margin of only 50.6% to 49.4%, the winner of Match 2 is… Applejack! 312 to 304!”
“And finally, our closest match of the entire tournament by far, a near dead even split 50/50. The winner of Match 1 by, I am not shitting you, literally a SINGLE vote… Trixie Lulamoon is our final semi-finalist! 306 to 305!
“As I mentioned earlier, it turns out there WERE some matchups that were so close they turned things around due to discarded votes. These were the following votes discarded due to missing or incorrect verification answers (MOSTLY missing, more than half of those i had to toss simply had them not filled in at all or filled with ‘idk’s)
Rarity 19 / Derpy Hooves 12 (wouldn’t have closed the gap)
Celestia 19 / Twilight Sparkle 14 (wouldn’t have closed the gap)
Princess Luna 22 / Applejack 13 (Luna would have won by 1 vote)
Pear Butter 20 / Trixie 17 (Pear would have won by 2 votes)”
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