Darkest nightmare night nr: 25
One long explanation later… While spike was trying to explain to starswirl why they shouldn’t be banished to the moon, Rarity had a much calmer discussion with Stygian.
She learned from him thatThe road to redemption is a finicky one. Especially when you don’t get to move on from the past.
Stygians story, longer version: ”Me and Starswirl. Our relationship has always been finicky. I might have brought the Pillars of equestria together. But after that I was pretty much dessignated as their little helper, while he took the lead. Everypony remembers the heroes and their deeds, while I faded into obscurity. It’s easy to see how I became jealous.” Mistakes were made. As you no doubt know. After you banished shadow. Starswirl took me under his wing – Or hoof. He couldn’t just banish me again. Not when he had officially “forgiven me.” Instead. he became helbent on making me a better pony. Claiming that no pony under his care would ever have falen to darkness in the first place. And that now he was gonna straighten me out, so I wouldnt be so easely corupted again. I guess he claimed some of the blame. In the scence that he failed to keep me on the straight and narrow. And if he had kept a closer eye on me. Been harsher on me, I would not have fallen in the first place. He claims that what he’s put me through will strengthen my character. That said … I think he just wants someone to carry his bags. Since then. We’ve been traveling Equestria. Learning whats changed, How to fit in, and trying to learn about these new philosophies of forgiveness and friendship togethet. – But honestly – I feel like im the one trying to teach him. He claims that were equal now. But. some just seem to be a little more equal then others. Bless his heart he is trying. But I sometimes feel like Im the one having to babysit him. What choice do I have? He’s the hero, and I’m just the guy who got corrupted. That’s something he likes to remind me of, when he’s been portraying me around to show how good he is now. Honestly? I think i might just be his trophy pony – someone ha can drag around to show how friendly he has become and how successful has been in redeeming me. He calls it in the name of friendship but… I’m not share his idea of friendship is up to date.”
(Note: I was not able to fit all of this on the paper. so here it is.)