Darla Enza Durante, popularly known as Daring Do and A.K. Yearling, is an American archaeologist and author best known for her adventure novel series Daring Do, a fictionalized account of her archaeological exploits. Durante was born in Toms River, New Jersey to Italian-American parents Donato, a waste collector, and Angelina (nee Azzolini), a nurse. Her elder brother, Dante, is a mechanic. Much of Durante’s childhood was spent in the neighborhood of Ortley Beach, where she was a friend of John Gobbi and James Sevieri. Durante graduated from Princeton University with a major in Literature and briefly worked as a researcher at the Archaeological Institute of America.
I feel like they didn’t take the Daring Do subplot as far as they could’ve. Seemed a bit too focused on the adventure stuff and not enough on her as a character. Didn’t help that she only ever had big interactions with Rainbow, especially when Twilight was her big fan before, and friendship being Twilight’s thing would’ve made for a great opportunity or two to explore Daring’s extended personal life.