Real sad that Twilight changed from being a normal sized alicorn pony to being as tall as Princess Celestia and change is not easy for me especially when her five friends are aging, Spike is all grown up (at least not beast-like in the older episode Secret to my Success) but seeing how the cute mark crusaders grew up by ponying up with magic and Discord spying on the baddies by turning himself into Grogar and watching him transform back into himself was disturbing, it all was and Celestia and Luna deciding to retire really got to me too along with Discord nearly dying, so I feel sorry for the characters in the show makes me want to give in and save them from their troubles especially Twilight Sparkle since she has the worst of it and soon in 2020 Generation 5 will come out (hopefully) and Twilight will be a Earth pony but I still worry for them so I drew my self insert Adean Ruby Nights as a draconequus sacraficing herself to save Twilight from being stabbed in the flank by a insane pastel pony game hunter, Adean Ruby Nights nearly dies but Twilight and Adean’s group of friends hurry Adean Ruby Nights over to the vet because doctors don’t except draconequui, but since Adean Ruby Nights was a human once it would be insane to take a former human to a vet but still she is no longer, but when Adean Ruby Nights woke up in the emergency vet’s hospital with a human vet treating her like a dog Adean gets disgusted by how they where treating her and setting out pet food in the vet hospital room, over time Adean Ruby Nights gets used to being a draconequus where she doesn’t remember being human but over time she still had the ability to change into a pony which means she can still understand the ponies but not understand her former kind, Twilight hopes that someday Adean Ruby Nights will remember her humanity and her mind will be clear from the chaos that’s taken over her body.