<ins>Valentine’s Day Part 2/4:</ins>
<ins>Rarity’s Time:</ins>
At lunchtime, at one of the finest restaurants in Canterlot City, Rarity was heavily enjoying her own date with another visiting friend.
Ragamuffin: Well, looks like you do have the belly to eat 2 whole roast hams. That’s really impressive coming from someone like you.
Rarity: (blushing) Oh well. And the funny thing is that I don’t even feel full.
Ragamuffin: Really?
Rarity: Oh no. I mean, if I were, (looks behind her), I wouldn’t be able to eat all of this!
Just then the waiter came to their table pushing a trolley. On it was the biggest chocolate cake either of them have ever seen, with heart-shaped icing for the occasion. The waiter managed to push the big plate on to the table without tipping the cake over.
Ragamuffin: Wow. I wasn’t expecting it to be this big.
Rarity: Neither did I. Well, that’s for the better for me. (She picks up her third fork and licks her lips) Well, tuck in then. You did order this cake for both of us after all.
Ragamuffin: Nah, it’s alright. I’ll just have two small slices. I don’t wanna plump my self up too much because of work.
Rarity: (full mouth) Oh right. (swallows) I’m sorry, do chimney sweeps even exist anymore? (Grabs another big forkful and eats away)
Ragamuffin: Oh yeah. There are still lots of old houses and cottages around where I’m from. I’m much more busy during autumn and winter. Ya know, when people light their fireplaces and everything.
Rarity: (full mouth) Ah, I see.
Next time:
Sunset’s Time