This was a part of a slave stream Smudge_Proof did for me about a year ago. The flat colors and the drawing itself were done by smudge, i went ahead and shaded it, did the background and moved things around a bit.
Rainbow dash, after a tangle with equestrian magic, wakes up and finds herself unable to move at all. Her body is completely petrified, unable to budge and inch no matter how much she tires to struggle.
A mirror place in front of her reveals her fate, that of a soccer trophy. Dash quickly realizes she’s been placed in the school’s trophy case, with the mirror showing her the lockers of the schools halls. The mirror also reveals that she is nude, turned with her bare, now silver, butt on display to any wandering students.
Dash looks down at her small breasts and notices a medal hanging above. a 2nd place medal. Dash begins to tear up at the sight. The being a trophy and being nude she could deal with…but 2nd place!!!
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