Hey y’all.
Thought I’d post the updated designs for the CMC’s children!
Hope you like them
Brina Cupcake
Parents: Applebloom and Featherweight
Voice: Similar to Pinkie Pie’s voice
Special Talents: Baking, rodeos, and problem solving
“SORRY EXCUSE ME! What are you doing in this corner of Sweet Apple Acres?? Are you lost?
You want an interview with me?! Um. I suppose…let’s walk back to the barn first…
Okay sorry. You mostly just startled me. Didn’t mean to seem suspicious.
So okay. My name is Brina Cupcake. My mom is a counselor for youngsters who’re trying to find their way. My father is a freelance photographer! I’m so sorry for seeming suspicious now, you seem like a nice person! Here, have a few apples. These Zap Apples are fresh from the trees and I think you’ll like em!
Tiny Seedling
Parents: Applebloom and Featherweight
Voice: She isn’t mute but rarely talks. She sounds like Baby from FNAF
Special Talents: Basic farm labor, spacing out, being weird
Okay, so for this bio I’m going to just tell you some things about Tiny.
She’s very uncommunicative and sometimes straight up ignores people.
Is she on the spectrum? Possibly but likely no. She’s not particularly intelligent and is mostly unfocused.
Note that I know very little about the spectrum so I mean no one any offense. I got a lot of comments about her in the past so that’s the only reason I’m bringing it up. Please don’t bite my head off about this.
More than anything she’s a space cadet. She’s not even shy, just kinda lives inside her own head.
She’s a decent farmer but she disappears a lot. You can often find her snooping around the Everfree forest with her only friend Talisman [ZecoraxSombra’s son]
Parents: Scootaloo and Twist
Voice: Sounds like Retsuko from Aggretsuko
Special Talents: Magic, fast flyer and Trixie’s favourite little Monster [Trixie’s words not mine]
Meme: Um HI! Trixie is unavailable for questions right now, so you’ll have to come by later!
Meme: You heard the lady! Gotta go! Pardon? You want to talk to me? Whatever, for?
Trixie: [Appears in a burst of glittery smoke] YOU, PLEB. Why are you bothering The Great and Powerful Trixie’s Apprentice?!
Meme: They said they wanna ask me questions about me??
Trixie: [eyes you suspiciously] Is that something you’d be okay with Monster?
Meme: Yeah, I guess so.
Trixie: [Backs away slightly, glaring at you] Make it quick, pawn!
Meme: So who am I and where am I from? My name is Forget-Me-Knot and I’m from Sleepy Hollow. I was adopted by my moms as a wee Monster and moved to Ponyville. Recently, Miss Great and Powerful took me under her wing as an apprentice!
Trixie: [ruffles Meme’s hair] And a fine apprentice she is. NOW GO AWAY.
Violet Chanter
Parents: Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak
Voice: Sounds very Posh and British
Talents: Singing, dancing, being high maintenance
“IT’S ABOUT TIME. I have been waiting for my interview for HOURS.
Who am I? Well…
I am Violet Chanter, Ponyville’s truest Renaissance Mare! Impressive yes?
Everything I put my mind towards I can do with little teaching required.
Mother calls me a prodigy and I would agree. Unlike my imbecile of an older brother, I have grace and elegance.”
[Edit: …she continued on with that for over an hour…little brat]
Peace Belle
Parents: Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak
Voice: Sounds like a mini frat bro
Special Talents: Dude, Bro, Karmic Energy, Suh Dude
“Suh dude?
Name’s Peace Belle, what’s good with you?
Nah fam, I’m like my mom and dad’s kid. Who are my parents?
Sweetie and Pip, bruh.
Hobbies? I like to zen out and be one with nature and stuff. You know, pick up on earthly frequencies.
It’s an Earth Pony thing.
Yo, wanna go shred it at the park? I got an extra board, dude.”