Ironcog the Tinkerer. Inventor, Gentleman scientist, Owner of SaddleHoof Manufacturing, <del>former Disgraced Equestrian Sorcerer</del>.
Hailing from London, England during the mid-1820’s and travelling to America in the 1840’s after spending some time working with inventors and other men of science and technology in Britain, Ironcog settled in the City of Canterlot in Washington State and founded SaddleHoof MFG in 1891 to compete with other manufacturing companies established at the time such as Edison Manufacturing Co. Having visited the newly constructed Wardenclyffe Laboratories and It’s enormous Wardenclyffe Tower, Ironcog, with the blessing of Nikola Tesla himself, constructed his own version of the Tower at the main production facility of the company in Canterlot under the pretense of experimenting on Wireless telegraphy and the concept of wireless power distribution alongside Tesla.