This EP was actually supposed to be released about 4 years ago, but I wanted it to be longer and never got around to it. 77p egg came along and fucked everything so all of my funny-music energy went into that and this material was forgotten.
released March 7, 2018
All music by Genreal Mymbloe and a couple other friends where mentioned.
More music by FESTKAKA at: doofcake.bandcamp.com
The album cover is made entirely of OCs made and submitted by people after I posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr asking for the worst OCs they could make.
Patreon top contributors, who probably don’t want to be associated with this in any way:
Berre Vandendorpe
Darth Plagueis
Dustin Lewis
Grant Cloud
John (Megabyte) Molinaro
Kain Joyner
Lachlan Swan
Liam Christensen
Sarah Brown
Spell Bound
TJ banks