Originally posted on 5 December 2018:
The End
So I never had a real emotional mention on how I feel about all this. What with tumbler ending and all. I’ve been here in this small community for years never bothered dealing in other sites.Twitter… maybe I need to get used to it, but right now the interface and the community there feels rather alien to me.
Most of all, I feel bad as this is the destruction of the home of characters that invested a lot of emotions into. Even tho I post very infrequently, they do mean much to me…
This may sound dumb, but every time I’ve drawn Naked Steel and Little Beam, felt like I grew up a little. One was about getting through brutal times, while the other was about seeing the world as something beautiful.
If no one is left here… I highly doubt I can find myself a brony/warhammer base like before.
Where I go from that point?
I don’t know…