Soothing Breeze waited patiently as he watched his mother, Fluttershy pass him his new little cousin Ultra Sonic. He looked from Morning Glory’s tiny wings to Ultra Sonic’s chubby cheeks and nuzzled their soft hair. He enjoyed listening to the soft breathing of babies.
“Dash, are you sure this is a good idea. Soothing is quite young and doesn’t know much about babies…’
“Fluttershy, don’t get your tail in a knot. He has already been around and seen a few so he’ll be fine!“
Rainbow Dash said with a grin on her face.
Fluttershy frowned in disbelief but knew this was true. Soothing has already played or met with some of the other Mane six’s children. Rainbow Dash has just been the last to decide if she wanted kids.
“I just want the foals will be alright. Don’t want him to float with them, you know.” Fluttershy smiled slightly.
“Aww Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said, wrapping her wings around her. “He didn’t know what he was doing. It wasn’t his fault.”
“I know…” Flutteshy muttered. She remembered how frightened she was when she caught Soothing Breeze floating with Pinkie’s newborn, Cream Puff. She seemed to enjoyed it a lot but he could have drop her if he wasn’t careful.
“So, what you think of them?” Rainbow Dash said to Soothing Breeze, breaking her train of thought.
“They’re PERFECT!” Soothing’s face gleamed.
Rainbow Dash nudged Fluttershy playfully.
“I couldn’t have said anything better!”
So yeah there you go. A little story headcannon. Fluttershy and her son are visiting Rainbow Dash to see her new little babies. I headcannon that in my nextgen, Fluttershy would be the first to have a child while Rainbow Dash would be the last. Its suppose to be ironic, cuz Fluttershy is shy and that Dash is bold. That doesn’t mean that her twins are the youngest however. Also included some little events that happened when Soothing Breeze was a wee little child. I think I kinda drew Soothing a little too old compared to the twins but lets just say that Soothing is a fast growing lil boy.
Since in my nextgen, Rainbow is shipped with Zephyr Breeze, that makes the twins, Morning Glory and Ultra Sonic, cousins with Soothing Breeze. This also makes Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy like sisters-in-law, right? So they’re really close and would often talk to each other about their problems.
If ye got any questions about my nextgen or such, don’t be afraid to ask!