“Well, it looks like the gang’s all here~! I hope you have fun for your playdate, I know Fluttershy certainly is~! Have fun you six, I’ll be back later to check in~!”
“…Well, I know those bottles before dropping you in would fill your diapers, but you all certainly filled them to the brim~! Don’t worry, you’ll all get a change…tomorrow. Have a good night~!”
And with Pinkie Pie, that’s a wrap for this series~! I’m really happy with myself that I managed to get this finished before the holidays, and just finishing a project of this sheer scale in the amount of time I did.
And with the eventual death of Tumblr tomorrow, I figured this would be my farewell piece to the site. I’ll still be sticking around for as long as I can, but if it is truly the end for us, then I want to send my sincerest thanks to all of you.
Happy Holidays to all of you! May the new year usher in some good fortune on all you…which these 6 will be needing plenty of~!
Art by 34Qucker