The fallen witches, having dealt with the denizens of heaven long enough for their bowels to be used to rather hefty meals continue on their leasurely competition. Even with a stomach full larger than herself, all Rarinetta can do is enjoy her spoils, while Sassy Saddles can only look on with some sportive envy.
Bonds close enough to eat with are strong enough to compete with without a fight. Usually.
Dragon fed to Rarinetta by: Stevie12
Coloratura fed to Rarinetta by augustbebel
Bit fed to Sassy Saddles by Speculo
Previous meals, now slightly chymey, but still glad to have feeding these lovely mares:
Apple Ale belongs to Appleale (apologies for my slow response)
Wireless Fuzz belongs to Gizmo
Previously not mentioned, but still incredibly greatful for:
Cookie by Eissen
cake by Optica
Another cookie and random food by no handle, but greatful for.
Thanks a ton again to Optica and Eissen for being awesome and helping me<3
(Thanks a lot for all the support. It’s honestly a lot more than I had expected and I really wanted to show my appreciation by making it as well as I could. It was tons of fun to make, and I hope it’s good!
Also, apologies still for being so rude and silent. I won’t do so much longer, I’m sorry.)
This is a continuation of: