While the adults and most of Equestria were adjusting to the odd idea of mixed breeds destined to inherit the throne, little Flurry Heart was enjoying every second she got to spend with her cousins. Especially little Concord. She adored the infant the moment she laid eyes on him and insisted on watching over the “Little Kitten Prince” as she liked to call him. She liked Noctus enough, but he wasn’t nearly as cute or as cheerful. Still, at least he was closer to her age so they could talk and play when baby Concord was napping. Even if he was a little creepy, she did enjoy Noctus’ company.
Noctus: 4 years
Flurry: 7 years
Concord: 10 months
Noctus and Concord © PamPoke
MLP: FIM © Hasbro and Lauren Faust