Hey people! Finally I bring a complete drawing here (with a “right” lineart) I stayed around 6 hours to do this complete drawing, it was cool even to do, even if it is very tiring.
I hope you have enjoyed XD Silver and Diamond are training together, and well, the two are very competitive when it comes to training, since neither of them wants to lose.
They are best friends but they are also rivals.
That’s it. Their relationship is kind of weird.
But, coming back in relation to the drawing, I wanted to leave the shadows stronger as well as the light, at first I thought it would be all shit. But in the end I liked it a lot, and I worked hard to make light effects. In the part of the drawing what I found most difficult was not the light or the shadow but this damn armor! She’s very complicated, my god!
And you may wonder: But was not Diamond the royal guard of Canterlot? Yes, he was, but was transferred to the kingdom of Crystal.
I hope you enjoy my art and this marvelous gala gladiators XD
Bios of Characters -> Silver Song Diamond Fire