It’s been a real long while since I’ve done an artwork of one of my original pony characters, which I might have to do more someday. But for now, after doing ones for my OCs Ocean Blue and Fire Sparks, here I have one for my third OC, Carrot Root.
It’s was harvest time in Ponyville and Carrot Root, who lives not so far from Sweet Apple Acres, is pulling out her carrots before winter kicks in. But to her surprise, one carrot gets stuck. And with all her might, she pulls as hard as she could until the carrot itself is stretched beyond belief. How did this happen, she wondered. Is there a gopher underground getting at her carrot, are the roots to the carrot stuck, or is somepony pull a prank on her by switching a real carrot with a fake one? You decide.
(Note: This one was quite tough to do, mostly with the color of the barn in the background. It looked a bit too bright red and I tried to give it a darker shade, but the color kept leaking out onto the rest of the art. So I had to leave it be. And I wanted to present this before Christmas or winter happen, because it’s still fall, even if there might be snow falling somewhere. Hence the tree and leaves in the background.)