Aaand the six are complete! I might re-do Stitches (Humdrum) as well, between other projects. But for now, here you go:
Feather Fluff is a hippalectryon, and a very tiny one at that. She was picked on as a filly because of her size, but she was no pushover. Feathers would stand up not only for herself, but for anyone else she saw being bullied. She is also a notorious prankster, using her creativity, potion-making skills, and aerial agility to play all kinds of practical jokes. When she and her best friend Joy Buzzer team up for a prank war, the two of them are unstoppable.
Unfortunately, one of their pranks backfired catastrophically, causing Feathers to turn into a huge, super-strong monster. She has since moved a safe distance away from Maretropolis, only returning to sell the scarves she makes to a local shop, and sometimes to have a brief chat with Joy Buzzer. Feather Fluff longs for the day she can be around other ponies again without fear of hurting them. Little does she know that she will not be waiting long…
Design changes: Feather Fluff has one of the biggest changes to her design out of the main cast: she’s now a hippalectryon. I also changed her wings to be more hummingbird-like. Aside from that, it’s pretty much just tweaks to the colors.
Backstory changes: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I only changed one tiny thing about the prank backfire. The original version wasn’t specific either, but it did hint at the nature of the incident. I decided to throw that out the window and leave it entirely up to the reader’s imagination. It’s funnier that way.