Original Idea by Brandon Blue
“Hmm. What could be taking her so long?” Princess Celestia wondered as she paced the hall just outside of the dining room. “Starlight doesn’t seem to be the type of pony who would arrive late.” The princess of the sun has been looking forward to hearing about Starlight’s experience with her frequent visits to the alternate world. As much as she loved listening to what Twilight had to say, she also wanted to learn from new perspective.
Suddenly, at the far end of the hall, a royal guard enters through the large double doors. “Your Highness, Starlight Glimmer has arrived for brunch.”
“Oh, excellent! Let her in.”
The doors open wider to reveal Starlight, who appears to be walking slower than usual. Celestia decides to avoid awkwardly waiting for her guest and starts to walk up to her as well. “Starlight Glimmer, I am happy you were able to accept my… invitation…”
As Celestia got a closer look at her, she started to see how different Starlight looked. First thing that caught her attention was Starlight’s round, swollen belly. It grew so large that it hung past her knees, and wobbled like an overfilled water balloon. Celestia then noticed a ring of ice cream around the pony’s mouth. It still looked quite fresh, as she just finished a whole carton of ice cream (or maybe even more judging by how much her belly grew).
“I’m very sorry for being late.” Starlight breathed heavily, “I figured I had enough time to drop by the other world, and pick up some ice cream.”
Celestia chuckled with a raised eyebrow. “I’m guessing it’s better tasting over there?”
“Oh, yes, definitely! Much sweeter and mo-” Starlight was immediately interrupted by low rumbling sound.
“What was that noise?”
“Oh, my apologies.” Starlight looks down at her growling stomach. “I been getting hungrier lately.” She looks back up with sudden eagerness. “May we eat now? And I’ll tell you more about my visits.”
“Oh! Well… of course. It’s good to know you’ve saved room after dessert.” Celestia laughs at her admittedly lame joke.
Part 2 >>1514810