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More coloring work of Caroo’s old sketches! This time it’s a bit of a blast from the past. Compare with:
And to keep the ball rolling, a short story description by E.T. to boot.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders may have added on a couple of years, but sometimes the things they get up to make it hard to say they’ve aged. Especially when they get back together after having been doing their own business for some time, and especially when they have a whole week off to spend in Canterlot. It’s a recipe for disaster, but this time it’s just ridiculous.
Even though they’re technically meant to be adults – Apple Bloom has taken on a number of duties in running the Apple family busines, Scootaloo is on her second year at the Wonderbolts Academy, and Sweetie Belle is having a budding singing career – they decided it was a swell idea to go off and explore Canterlot. As per usual it was code for ‘get into trouble’, and after having potentially broken a number of trespassing laws, ruined a site of historic significance and stolen dinner from a restaurant, it seemed that’d filled that quota. It didn’t.
Through a ridiculous series of events that would have put most urban explorers to shame, the three reckless mares on the run found themselves in front of an arcane gateway. Which they then entered. And thus, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were the first ponies in millenia to find one of Princess Luna’s dreamscape wormholes, breaking straight into her inner quarters as she was taking a shower in preparation for her night’s work. There was a punishment for such a crime, one that nobody bothered to change with the passing of centuries because literally never did it become relevance. Now it did – the perpetrators were to be put to tears, sweat and penance through any torment applicable that did not involve physical pain, as befitting ones who’d broken past the physical realm. There was no luck to be hand in them being sisters of some of the Princess’ closest friends, alas – in fact, their punishment was only increased as Luna found out just what they’d be up to prior to barging so rudely in. It was settled.
Manifesting any of a variety of inventive setups and tools in the realm under her solitary control, Princess Luna was more than glad to hand out the well deserved six hours of non-stop tickle torture upon the mannerless perpetrators. Oh yes, this was a poor twist of fate – the Princess of the Moon enjoyed driving helpless ponies into torturous mirth through the ticklish titillations of what was once a royal punishment. The Crusaders got to experience the full extent of her imagination, and it was all too bad that in this realm, there was no release of unconsciousness or proper pain.
While doing just about anything to the ticklish mares was very amusing, with Apple Bloom hoping desperately to explain themselves or apologize inbetween bouts of chest-burning laughter, Scootaloo being by far the most desperate thing in mortal existence at the mere sight of some of Luna’s tools, and Sweetie Belle exerting orgasm after juicy orgasm at astounding rates, there was particular amusement to be had in putting them all together in a row. The Princess drew delight in seeing them go from blaming each other out of desperation to pleading to each other for help to making up on the spot. Huddled together, squirming against one another, they were very convenient for Luna to use her spectral dopplegangers, to practice mass object levitation, to design large area of effect tools to put to use on their squirming soles.
Of course, eventually she had to leave to do her job properly, automated dream monitoring only being so useful. The three were left upon a bench, their ankles put through a magical field that had them emerge in front of a series of adaptive autonomous fuzz rollers that swished and scrubbed and rotated relentlessly against their soles. A projection of Luna’s remained behind, hardly responding to their pleas for mercy and instead simply offering a fair amount of put-downs and teases, rotating the crank without pause. Some rollers acquainted a taste for finer, almost pointy fibers, rolling especially quick, some rollers grew on in fluff and whisped through the toes and down the soles, some rollers added in abrasiveness and scrubbed viciously at a medium pace. To keep things interesting for the poor mares, Luna made sure there was more than a fancy novelty to the portal their feet were stuck in – every now and again, the row of six feet, adorable in each their own way, would get mixed up. A peculiar feeling all on its own, an additional bout of confusion for the poor girls, and all-new sensations to feel.
For a single example, Apple Bloom’s comprehensive size 11 feet are on the far sides (though she herself is sat in the middle, slowly succumbing to the hilarious reality of the impending hours of torture and holding her friends by their shoulders for support – hers and theirs) experiencing the fluffier and pointier side of things. Sweetie Belle’s size 9’s are to the side of Apple Bloom’s, driving her to climax after giggle-filled climax (enough of an issue that her skirt had to be removed, lest the sheer amount of cum liquid stain it even outside this pocket dimension; she behaved too well to be put under denial) through fluffing her up. Scootaloo’s modest, if explosively sensitive (Luna had to go as far as to severely restrain her before this ordeal, lest her intense squirming and tearful thrashing have her bump into Apple Bloom all the time), size 9 soles and toes could be together in the middle, being relentlessly brushed rotation after rotation. Or, it could be any other arrangement, and many more adaptations to come over the many remaining hours…
Apple Bloom is taking it in stride to the best of her ability, exhibiting her iron will. Sweetie Belle at least gets to delight in being punished by means of her favored kink, even if that does mean going through too many climaxes to count. Scootaloo is going bananas and screaming at the top of her lungs, hopelessly trying to lessen the impact by being as squirmy as possible and maybe wearing herself out. Too bad none of them know yet that whoever would break the hardest – the murderously ticklish pegasus, the sexually overstimulated unicorn, or the slowly boiling up earth pony time bomb – will be coming back for more of Luna’s inventive punishing for the entire week to come…