[bq=“blues64”]“What a perfect day~” Queen Chrysalis sang to herself as she walked down the red velvet carpet. Her
right arm swayed through the air as though the Changeling Queen was conducting an invisible orchestra.
Suddenly Queen Chrysalis stopped dead, her eyes looked upwards towards the ceiling. With a violent snap
of her onyx fingers the sickly green changeling pods above the throne came to life with a grim glow.
Once all the pods were lit, the room found itself filled with an eerie, pulsating, pale green illumination.
“There… now it feels like a hive,” Queen Chrysalis smiled and continued walking down the welcoming mat. Finally she came to the golden throne, which looked a touch more plastic like than gold, at the base was a series of cushions for the Queen’s relaxation. Queen Chyrsalis spun one hundred eighty degrees on a single hoof then flopped lazily upon the mass of cushions. They sunk downwards, under the weight of the queen, but it only took a few seconds readjust in order to properly accommodate the onyx body. Queen Chrysalis settled in quickly before catching a glint of light from the corner of her eye. She looked down in surprise and picked up a champagne glass full of love. Queen Chrysalis leaned over and picked it up, letting the base of the glass rest in her palm, between her ring and middle finger. Queen Chrysalis crossed her legs, her tail snapped twice before settling into a comfortable position. Suddenly the magenta curtains around her shut, caging the Changeling in a comfortable prison of fabric.
“Oh…? Ah… yes, the show must begin shortly,” Queen Chrysalis mumbled. Her keen ears could hear the
scurrying of hooves against the regal marble floor. She took a single sip from the cup and waited impatiently
for the show to begin. Her right leg bounced up and down against the knee of her left as she waited.
“Are you certain this is wise…? This won’t… er… inflate her ego?” Princess Luna asked her
sister. The alicorn of the night picked at her top once again, doing her best to cover more of
her nipple. It was to little success however because her outfit had been designed a few sizes
too small. While adjustments had been made a few minutes earlier, they were done in
haste and provided Princess Luna with breathing room at the expense of exposure.
“Of course! Everything shall be fine, this is just an exercise in cultural exchange. We’ve been teaching
the Changelings about Equestrian culture, so why should we not experience some of theirs?” Celestia
easily answered. She adjusted the spangle bands upon her forearms to allow the fabric between them
to fluff up slightly. Her eyes jumped from the golden bands to her sister whenever Princess Luna spoke.
“You’re only saying that because you’re less exposed than I,” Princess Luna sighed. She gazed
longingly at Princess Celestia’s beautiful outfit, a well fitting golden top, embroidered with
exotic designs. Her arms were covered in golden bands that had translucent pink fabrics. Princess
Celestia’s pants were also translucent but a curtain of yellow fabric hung just above her waist.
“Perhaps you should have come to the fitting dear sister,” Princess Celestia, turned then shot a mirthful
smile at her sister. Her flowing mane briefly exposed both eyes, they shone with a whimsical gaze.
“Y-you booked it for one in the afternoon! You knew I would be asleep!” Princess Luna stuttered in a huff.
“It was the only time I could book an appointment and perhaps if you had not stayed up
so late with that book, you could have woken up on time~” Princess Celestia teased.
Princess Luna blushed a little and kicked the floor with her hoof in shame. It was
true and rather embarrassing that she missed the appointment due to oversleeping.
“Ah yes… true. I suppose it is my fault then… s-so! How exactly
do we perform here?” Princess Luna quickly changed the topic.
“It’s quite simple really. It’s similar to dances in Saddle Arabia although…” Princess Celestia
tapped her chin in speculation. “It involves more swaying of the hindquarters and bosom,”
“Are you certain this is ‘Changeling Culture’ and not simply Queen Chrysalis’ desire?“
Princess Luna leaned over slightly, her right hand on her hip. Her eyebrow was raised
accusingly but Princess Celestia only glanced over towards her sister. The sun alicorn
simply stood to her full height and confidently put her arms behind her back.
“I’m fairly certain. Oh! Our cue!” Princess Celestia’s ears perked up. Her white
wings fluttered in excitement for a moment and reached out towards Princess Luna.
“Wha- I didn’t hea-” Princess Luna began but her sister grabbed her arm.
“Sssh, no talking. We are simply dancers for the time being” Princess Celestia
said with an energetic smile. Her horn began glowing with its brilliant
yellow sun magic and the two alicorn sisters teleported to the throne room.
Princess Luna looked around in surprise. It was a nearly perfect duplicate of the Canterlot
throne room albeit considerably smaller. Dozens of lights were strung around the room, some
large and other small. Many of them were directional colored lights that were to be controlled
by magic. However the green Changeling pod lighting felt rather unsettling to Princess Luna,
despite the horrors she had seen in the dreams of her citizens. It was amazing how out of the
loop Princess Luna was, but, she assumed, this was all covered in the fitting appointment. While
she did recall the notes and letters that had been provided, Princess Luna did not feel confident
in her present skill set. Celestia gave her sister a reassuring smile before the curtain in the
center began to open. Queen Chrysalis rested upon her throne of cushions, her content gaze shifted
from Celestia to Luna. She took a sip from the glass, swallowing deeply, before snapping her fingers.
“Dance for me!” Queen Chrysalis demanded. The lights heard the order and snapped to life, a brilliant
red light pointed towards Princess Celestia while Princess Luna received dazzling purple illumination.
Princess Celestia immediately began to dance, she thrust her arms back and upwards which allowed
the scarf, that was attached to her wristbands, to fly into the air. Princess Celestia lowered her
left arm and spread her legs slightly to ground herself better. The pink scarf fluttered through the
air like a comet through the sky. The sun alicorn moved her arms freely from side to side, taking care
not to allow the ribbons of translucent cloth to catch upon her body. Whenever the chance arose, Celestia
extended a wing or two in order to veil her body from the lecherous leer of the Changeling Queen. She
slowly swayed and swung to and fro, making her body move like waves upon the ocean. Her impressive
bust jiggled and wobbled during the more sudden motions but her top never moved an inch, ever vigilant
to keep the princess’ nipples safe from the audience of one. She titled her hair back slightly, a wide
grin upon her mouth, and winked towards Queen Chrysalis. Then she spun twice in place, allowing her
tail to wisp around her hooves and put her back towards the monarch again. Her motions continued
to be wide, yet elegant and planned which allowed her scarves to freely flow in the air.
Princess Luna on the other hand was far more conservative. Because the night alicorn lacked scarves
or ribbons to flaunt, like her sister, Luna focused more on slower, methodical motions. Her legs were
fairly quick, gently tapping the marble floor to the beat of the music. Her arms ran over her breasts,
because it looked good, yet she was still embarrassed from her exposure. She could feel the Changeling
Queen’s eyes focus upon her body but she feared no monster, no less a lustful smile. However she did
feel a little shame and avoided eye contact. Luna bounced once, her purple skirt fluttered up then down,
as did her large bosom. Her breasts sunk down, then snapped back up, the spaghetti straps remained strong
despite the sudden slack then taut transition. Despite all this, Luna remained strong and true. Indeed she kept
in beat just as well as her sister, while Luna was less enthusiastic, she wasn’t being outperformed in the least.
Thanks to their alicorn endurance, the sisters were able to finish three song with ease. At the end of the third song, the
alicorn sisters turned around to face their audience of one. Queen Chrysalis smiled, the three monarchs locked eyes
for a moment in understand. Finally Queen Chrysalis leaned forward, haphazardly throwing the champagne glass aside.
“You two have done well!” Queen Chrysalis clapped her hands twice. “Your performance of the dance was well done. You
have pleased the Queen and thus the swarm!” Queen Chrysalis declared. The Alicorns gracefully bowed and Celestia spoke.
“Thank you for teaching us about your culture. It has been quite enjoyable and I
am sure the citizens would be pleased to see an exchange such as this in the future.
“A pleasure. Although Princess Luna… you should perhaps find something more
covering. Or take up pole dancing, that might be more akin to your outfit,” Queen
Chrysalis snickered. Princess Luna’s face flushed with blush. She did not disagree.[/bq]