(Notice how I cant’t spell defense…. its because i’m an idiot.)
This is the Friesian Flagship the F.M.S Astaroth. If you can’t read my horrible hand writing.
Talos Class Assault Carrier
Length: 220 meters
Width: 96 meters
Height: 96 meters
Crew: 152
Pegisai Squads:4 Power Plant: Warlock Drive
Weapons: 12x Caster torpedo launchers, 10x Mage Turrets, 2x Missile launchers(AFT), 2x Wizard Bomb launchers, 1x Beam Lancer
Defenses: Basilisk Magical Barrier Generator
Special Equipment: 2x Launcher catapults, 1 Ghost Cloak Generator.
Weaknesses: Slow, gives off a lot of heat, can’t fire while cloaked, Barrier is off while cloaked. Barrier is off when firing the beam lance, exposed bridge.