artist description:
Man, it feels like I haven’t submitted anything in a month… What? It has been a month? Oh… Well sh*t…
Who knew having a job could be so time consuming huh? Everyone? Oh…Anyway, back on topic, I’ve come to realise that I have way too many different incomplete storylines going on at once. And I wanna fix that. So I’m going to complete my little SunsetxTwilight realtionship problem arc in the next few Deviations. There’s this one, then one more, and then the finale. I’ll put all the links in the discription. I hope you’ll like it. ^
Twilight’s confession: crydius.deviantart.com/art/Twi…
Sunset’s melancholy: crydius.deviantart.com/art/Sun…
Helping Sunset: crydius.deviantart.com/art/Hel…
Helping Sunet II: The helpening: you are here!
Helping Sunset III: Sunset’s resolve : coming soon!
Sunset’s confession: coming soon!