Decided it was time to upload some Pony FCs, soooooooooooooooo, here we go owo
I first decided to upload the SomPearl foals I designed, starting off with Miss Moonstone. Noooooow, Moony has quite the history as she was somewhat involved in the plot that both included Bray and Topaz. Concieved during the time of Sombra’s reign, Pearl did her best to hide the filly’s existence from the public as she already had a bad reputation as the king’s pet. However, Grogar seized the developing fetus as an opportunity for his own creation to grow. This took valuable nutrients and sources from Moony, and draining Pearl from even doing much during her pregnancy. When Moonstone was born, she was frail and weak, and had to be monitored by doctors to ensure her survival. She did survive, but not without some complications. She was born with a chronic illness that caused her to be blind.
However, a young Moonstone figured out how to use her magic to read another pony’s aura. Each pony had a different color of aura, and this is how she could identify others before they even spoke. She was solitary and kept locked in her home by her parents, but she was still glowed with curiosity of a world she couldn’t see.
In a plot between Cherry-Spice and our other friends, a reoccurring character from the Tambelon Arc named Kieran returned to seize the throne from Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, turning the once beautiful crystalline empire into a dark place, and was reminiscent of King Sombra’s reign of terror. Crystal ponies were morphed into disgusting, vile creatures, including the royal pair and Moonstone’s parents. All but Moonstone. She managed to avoid becoming a filthy creature and found herself facing the one who brought hell to the empire. She could see right through him, and how malicious and violent his aura was, but nonetheless, proclaimed her loyalty and her willingness to serve in return of her freewill.
After Kieran’s fall from Twilight and her friends, Moonstone was faced with a tiny colt. He had the same aura, but it no longer raged for vengeance and pain, but was as innocent as any other baby. However, she heard overheard from Thanatos, the deity of death, tell Prince Bray that the only way for his people to return is for the life of another, and before Bray could put his own life for theirs, Moonstone stepped forward and volunteered herself. She told the god of death that she felt her mission in the living realm was complete, and instead would grant the residents of Tambelon their lives back, and asked her parents to watch over the young Kieran in her place.
She went onto the realm of the spirits, and Bray dedicated the full moon nights in Tambelon in her name, and she has a stained glass window dedicated to her in the chapel of the Tambelonian castle.
Moonstone © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro