Alright, so, I keep seeing ponies say that the thing in the background is a pillow, while other ponies see it as just the same diaper. I was one of those ponies that saw it as a diaper, but I can understand why ponies can think otherwise. I know >>1377129 did a nice job of an edit, but I felt like it wasn’t true to the original intention of >>1376459. So what I did was remove that odd lump in the back to make it look more rounded which makes conveying the idea that Dashie is wearing a very poofy diaper much easier. But then I thought to myself, “Why would Dashie be wearing such a thick diaper?” She loves to fly around fast, and such a diaper would surely slow her down. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the original artist may have made a terrible mistake: Dashie had a terrible accident that make her lose her wings! Surely that can be the /only/ explanation here! I understand that artists sometimes have bad habits and we tend to just forget that we don’t need to put wings on everypony, so I went ahead and edited out the wings as well. I feel that after doing that, Dashie’s giant diaper can finally be realized in the way that the original artist truly intended.