Title: Care to join me?
note: This guy… he might be a drug dealer or something. I don’t know. His name is Razhen, i think and he is a frequent club goer as well as a VIP. He might appear in my webcomic… maybe.
Title: Who is you?
note: Ide is from a dream/story idea I had once. basically about a girl who learns that she is a beast tamer, able to bend mythical creatures to her will like pokemon. She does so with several creatures including Ide, a chimera i think.
Title: Malcontent the plague
note: This stallion is from a story I’m writing on fimfiction. He hasn’t appeared in the story yet but I really wanted to draw him. He’s pretty awesome, though he is also a genocidal tyrant who wants the world of playful and carefree ponies to burn, just as he did. He’s really not nice.
Title: Get me another, bugbreath
note: My fallout equestria OC, Peppermint Swirl with her partner/slave/bestie, Bugbreath. BB tried to rob her, she caught him and placed a slave collar on him. They’ve been together ever since. He refused to tell her his name so she made one up. That’s the only name anyone calls him now.
Title: Family Portrait
note: The MC of my fimficttion story, Moonlight Sonata, with her siblings, Heavy Metal and Sweet Harmony. Moonlight is not a happy pony in this picture but the only one who notices is her little sister. But when she is sitting next to a cop and a succesful composer, how else is a lowly librarian supposed to feel?
Title: Peppermint Swirl and Wintermint
note: The MC of my possible FO;E story, Peppermint Swirl and her twin brother, Wintermint. They are both Enclave though Winter is a sniper while Peppermint is a hoof to hoof kind of mare. Winter is the only pony Peppermint can stand to be around. She hates everypony else.
Title: Can you even see the stars?
note: I really like Undertale but I adore the AU’s even more, especially Flowerfell. While Underfell is my fave, Flowerfell sticks to me like nothing else, that’s why I drew this picture. I really wanted to draw them together like this.
Title: Jokers stick together
note: I was watching SU and thought ‘why does Smokey Quartz seem so familiar?’. Then it hit me, she’s a gem version of San’s! I should draw them together!!! So I did. I also drew Sardonyx and Mettaton but I wanted to show off this one.
Title: Pestilent Venus and Hemlock
note: Venus is kind of an antagonist in my next gen verse, though she hasn’t done anything yet. She is a plant pony though she is made almost entirely out of wood so she’s mute. Her partner, Hemlock however is perfectly willing to speak for her, though he often speaks his own mind rather than hers, since he’s a lot more vulgar than meek little Venus. Also, he has a Scottish accent because I really want him to have one.
Title: Sometimes the shadows speak to me, mother.
note: Desert has had an imaginary friend since she was a foal. This friend, named Tanti, has kept her company as she trained herself to work at night. Princess Luna was unaware of her daughters ‘imaginary friend’, thinking she was just being a kid. That was until she found her daughter talking to the shadows and grew concerned.
Title: What did you do?!
note: I really am very cruel to my characters. Twilight might not be mine but some sick part of me really enjoys writing her depressed. This takes place soon after Celestia dies and the kingdom is still reeling from the shock. Sunset, finally hearing about the news, rushes over to interrogate Twilight since she was the last to see Celestia alive. But what she finds in the place of the once vibrant and upbeat mare is a broken princess who has lost more than just a wife. As I said, I really like the thought of a depressed (and possibly suicidal) Twilight post Celestia death.
Title: I like snuggling with you
note: On a more upbeat note, my SpikexThorax child, Fang and his bestie/mate(later), Olive Branch. He is my SombraxAmber Leaf child. While Olive is deathly scared of other ponies due to his fear of them attacking him because of his father. Despite that, he is very close to Fang, who is also an outcast for being a dragon/changeling hybrid. They are one of my next gen ships, though they are both oblivious to the others feelings.