You placed the gun down and head back outside and to the generator. You look around it to see if there’s way to turn it back on. After minutes of careful looking, you don’t see a way to get the power back on in the cabin.
You head back inside and go the radio, there you notice a battery next to the radio. You then check around it and see a battery port, you flip the little door up and put the battery in then close it. You turn a dial and static grew louder from the speakers. You temper with the radio some but nothing comes up. You tune the station dial and suddenly you hear something but your can make it out. You press your ear to the speaker and turn the volume up to its highest still can’t hear anything.
Disappointed, you get down pick up the gun. You examine the firearm and see little labels on it around a little switch, it’s currently on “Off”. You have no idea how it works but you flip it to “On” and with some dumb luck you pressed a button and the clip slid out. You’re not sure how to clean a gun off, so you deicide to blow on it. After giving all the parts a decent blow, you slid the clip back in and pulled the top back and with a click you loaded the gun.
You put the gun in your bindle and see if your break the shelves and use them to bard the windows up but you notice that there some wood laying about. You were about to try and pick one up but then remembered you don’t have a tool to use to board the windows up. You then took the smelly jar and chuck it out the door.
What do you do know?