the ladies!!! really happy with how this one came out : 3 as for headcannons, fluttershy shows off the build of a mixed heritage pegasus, as she has earth pony ancestry. the bare section of her tail is shorter than most pegasi, and she is generally heavier because her bones are denser than a pegasus like rainbow dash. both she and rainbow have slight feathering on their hooves, and rainbow dash has additional feathering on her tail and chest. these feathers provide warmth, and aid with steering. Rainbow has a more classic pegasus build, with a compact body and long tail that acts as a rudder in the air. pegasus ponies get their magic from their wing feathers, which are brightly colored. the more colorful a pegasus' feathers are, the more magical they are. rainbow dash is by far the most magical pegasus in recorded history, with seven colors on her feathers, while fluttershy is on the low end of power, with only two slightly different colors on her feathers. almost all pegasus ponies can fly with the physical power of their wings, but powerful and fast flight, and weather magic, is reliant on their feathers.