Platinum Sparkle the Second
“I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of constantly exhausted dove“
Parents: Prince Blueblood, Princess Twilight Sparkle
Age: 17 years old
Species: Alicorn
Build: Slender, athletic
Special talent: Sorcery, leadership
Occupation: Princess
Nickname(s): Platinum
General bio:
If you don’t know princess Platinum well, it might appear that she’s arrogant and snobbish daughter of Blueblood. Well, she is. Named after princess Platinum of Unicornia, she wears her crown proudly and aspires to be fair and wise ruler of Equestria someday. But the truth is, she’s neurotic and stressed girl who just wants to sleep more often than she does. Very blunt Platinum demands approval of others and it makes her feel apprehensive when she doesn’t get it. That’s the reason why she has really low self-esteem — she’s afraid that she’ll never succeed. Because Platinum grew up without having har parents around, she struggles to understand who she is meant to be. She spent most of her childhood in company of governesses and retired princesses Celestia and Luna. They taught her to be brave and kind-hearted little filly and made sure that Platinum is having a very bright future. She still comes to Celestia and Luna to ask for an advice and take a cup of cinnamon tea in her spare time.
- as a child wanted to be like her father, Blueblood, but as time goes on, she began to look up to her mother, Twilight.
- she clearly demonstrates her great magic abilities, but she doesn’t do this often.
- workaholic
- Platinum has never seen her parents being intimate and that makes her feel that she is an unwanted child. Well, she’s right
- likes tomatoes and peanut butter sandwiches.
- she’s embarrassed to wear glasses so she takes them off regularly