So, that’s it. 4 years and a month. 1,492 days. This comic has been a long and very meaningful learning experience for me. But that’s just it, it’s been a great way for me to grow and learn. What you see here was originally meant to be the ending of the first volume of four, but I have to be honest. After four years of growing up as both a person and an artist, I lost all of the passion that I had when I started Transition. I forced myself to finish it for one reason: and that’s because I knew that I would never be happy with myself if I didn’t. The truth is that when I started Transition, I simply wasn’t ready to create a comic, it was a huge amount of dedication and hard work that my young and damaged self wasn’t ready to undertake. While I am extremely proud of what I did, and am happy every day to have met the people I did meet thanks to it, I am also relieved to be done with it, and that I finally get to move on.So what now? Where do we go from here? In a direction that’s entirely different and nothing new all at once. My art and therefore this DeviantART account will be going in a new direction from here, heading towards creating original comics. I have two projects in line that will air in the future. The first of which, Battle Guys, will premiere sometime in LATE 2018, maybe even early 2019, because this time, I have a writer! And this time, we will plan through and make sure the comic is good and that I can put every last ounce of my effort into making it something of real quality.
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me through all of Transition, if there is anyone who did! And I hope that you will stick with me again as I start to release concept art, teasers, YouTube videos, and eventually, BATTLE GUYS! Love you all!
Previous: [http://fav.me/dborqxd](https://www.deviantart.com/art/Transition-Page-119-706733329) (\>\>2225533) From the Top: [fav.me/d6k34un](https://www.deviantart.com/becauseimpink/art/Transition-396535631) (\>\>2193429)