From Source:
“Hey everyone^
Something new, huh? :P Yeah, I decided to make something silly in between the christmas and homework shedule XD I decided to draw a small one – page comic of a typical behavior during the holidays~
Who does not know it all too well? Eating tasty sweets, delicious treats from cookies to candy canes and to the big christmas dinner and after the holidays, wondering if some weight has been added XD I have to admit, I know the feeling..heh… But I wanted to show that on the example of LyraBon with Lyra being a little guzzler and of course taking the adventages of her girlfriend BonBon being a candy maker/ cook XD
Yeah, it’s silly but it was a little stress reliever and it’s supposed to be a little funny for you guys.
Can anyone of you relate to that?
Either way, I hope you enjoy this wonderful, yummy time^
Time: 2 hours
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