yup, this is going to be a tradition now, for as long as MLP and it’s spin-off are popular I’ll put out a Humain 7 + Trixie, Derpy and Starlight if she’s ever added to the canon costume party picture, hears the run-downTwilight is Terra Grimface from Lost Kingdoms 2 for the GamecubeSpike is the White Tiger Monster form the same gameFluttershy is lust from Fullmetal AlchemistPinkie is Star form star VS the forces of evilRainbow is Wrath form the 7 deadly sins animeSunset shimmer is Starfire from The pre-new 52 DCURarity is Troia, ALSO from the Pre-new 52 DCU Applejack is Serena from the Dino-Riders CartoonDerpy is Daphne from Scooby DooTrixie is Gadget from Rescue Rangers