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Looks like more than one pony has a bit more than a little bit of explaining to do.
_Sprite walked through the door to her home in Canterlot. Well, her parent’s home, technically, as she lived in the castle. Her mother was in the kitchen rolling out some cookie dough.
Setting her backs down, the squishily diapered alicorn went to go upstairs before her mother stopped her.
“Sprite, sweetie, can you come here for a moment?” Sweet Apple Harvest called out.
Sighing softly, Sprite turned around and walked into the kitchen, unaware of what she’d see next.
“Yeah, ma, what is it—” Sprite’s jaw dropped as she saw her mother humming and swaying her plot around playfully to the tune.
The only difference? What was on her body. Not only was it her cooking apron, but one of Sprite’s thick diapers… and how loud it crinkled as she moved about.
“Mom, are you…?“
“So you…“
“Uh huh.“
Sprite folded her ears down. She backed up a bit in shame, her face going a crimson shade of red.
Sweet Apple Harvest turned around with her normal, warm smile. Closing her eyes merrily and tilting her head, she gave a soft giggle.
“Looks like my little filly could a bum change. Why don’t you tell me all about today and your diapers during then? Afterword, we can have some fresh cookies.”_