I don’t usually submit my own work here, nor do I generally like to toot my own horn too often, but I’ve been looking over my old, crap work recently and I’ve been feeling pretty happy with my advancements. I’m super busy IRL but I have been working to improve on my art when I can. The past year or so, I’ve focused on smoother lines, better shading/lighting, and overall anatomy improvements. I am pretty pleased with those things I’ve been working on, but I wanted the opinions of others who are unbiased too. From this picture in particular, I do like how the dark shading/lighting turned out (and that I no longer drew Vinyl gray, though it’s a bit hard to tell thanks to the blue shading; I promise she’s a very, very light nearly white cream color under all those layers!) and the lack of shaky, ugly lines. Anyway, feel free to rip me a new one if you want. I want to know how I’m doing and what I can improve on!
Backgrounds are first on my list. :b