Emerald goes over and gives Joyride a hug. He explains that he may be young, but he isn’t naive. He says that she can trust him with things like this. Like the pirates and her past. It’s okay. He also says sorry that things didn’t work out with Sunshine, but that there are is always someone else.
“Agh, you don’t understand… She was…” Joyride says, then throws up hooves and bites her lower lip, “She was so hot. And besides that she was amazing. You never met her, you wouldn’t know.”
Joyride sighs, and Emerald takes the opportunity to ask her how many partners she’s had.
“Eh… I can’t remember. Who cares… They all-” Joyride ends that thought suddenly and then leans against the rail and just stares out to sea.
Emerald taps his hooves together. Joyride seems to be getting sadder and he is a bit guilty for making her feel that way. Emerald asks if Joyride has tried getting back in contact with Sunshine Sea.
“For a little while yeah… Last I heard she was having a baby with whatever-his-name was, and then nothing. Probably living it up happily with her family somewhere…” Joyride says, and this seems to bring a small smile to her face.
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