from artist:
“Well, here it is. All the ponies I made for EFNW. Sleepy Skies is missing because I haven’t finished her mane and tail yet… And I was only able to make 7 Applejacks because I was rushing things, and well… some of the paint wasn’t quite dry when I started piecing them together and I botched a couple of them up.
Otherwise, I’m clocking in with 102 ponies for sale at the con, 1 Daring Do for the auction, and 3 more ponies as gifts!
Prices for finished ponies at the con (sales tax included):
Pinkie Pie: $90
Fluttershy: $90
Applejack: $100
Twilight: $100
Rarity: $100
Rainbow Dash: $110
Scootaloo: $90
Sweetie Belle: $100
Apple Bloom: $100
Pinkamina: $90
Trixie: $120
Vinyl Scratch: $130
Daring Do: Charity Auction! Bid high and bid often!!!!”