(Story extract)
The chill air bit at my face as we traveled along, myself leaning forwards towards the wagon and retreiving one of the bomb-bottles of Sparkle-Cola, settling back against Boomer as we trundled through the old town. Static… was, fine, but… why’d he take a risk like that in the first place!? He, he could’ve… could’ve… I sniffled in the cold air, popping the cap off of the large bottle and starting to drink it down, trying to drown those thoughts out. C’mon, Night Strike, you really have to stop getting yourself worked up like this… but, damnit, I have every right to be! What’d happen if… if one of us didn’t make it back home? Our dads would be devastated… more than that, so would whoever made it back. The contents of the large bottle swiftly disappeared into my stomach, a hoof moving to rub at my eyes.
“I’ll be first to admit, aside from the ranger I thought you were the only crazy one in our group. Does northern Equestria just breed insanity or something?” Crash Dive looked over at myself through the visor of her mask, wearing a small grin that I opted to not return. Not really in a joking mood… just wanna drown myself at the bottom of a glass bomb. The power armored pegasus let off a sigh after a few moments, readjusting herself. “You know, it’s said there’s a fine line between braveness and stupidity. For someone who seems to do everything in his power to avoid geting in harm’s way, what he did back there I’d say was pretty firmly on the brave side.”