from the lands of……somewhere…..the lovely duo Tubby Wubby made they’re way to ponyville to spread the word…..that they are so A+ waifu material…..its better to just agree with them….it goes by easier that way…..now I bet ur wondering why they are fused like so…..well I asked them and the replied by throwing a either a cup of pudding or a banana at my face and running off
tubby- the more graceful and blue half of the double pony, she also likes to go by tubbs, she most of the time acts as the back legs of the two though she will take charge if she wants, always calm and collected no matter what, when she isn’t keeping her other half in line she likes to spend her time practicing on her saxophone and high jacking motorcycles
wubby- the hot headed and green half of the duo, she also likes to be called wubbz, when she’s in charge she likes to go around and when she gets a chance she will make a perverted comment about any stallion or mare she sees, when she isn’t dragging tubbs into trouble she spends her time practicing her singing and looking for shiny things