Derived Statistic for FOE based RPG.
Name: Reaction Speed.
Modifies: chance of counter-attack, saving throws to prevent instakill.
Governed by: Perception and Agility.
Initial Value: 30 + (2 x (PE+AG)) (ALPHA).
English description: “Determines a chance of counter-attacking the opponent”.
Russian description: “ “.
Some information (ALPHA):
The character needs enough APs to perform a counter-attack. Since turning in place uses APs, it’s always better to safe at least 4 APs (or 8 for characters who stands on four legs).
While counter-attacking, characters can only use snap-shots (or burst for burst-only guns), weakest melee attacks, unable to use secondary attacks and can’t swap weapons. They also can use bayonet or buttstock if there’s not enough APs to shoot or if they loaded with explosive ammo. Grenades and other items in active slot also acts as a melee weapon.
Dash and dash-based drugs affects this statistic directly as well as some magical effects.
The value can be higher than 100, yet there’s a lot of circamstances that lowers it.
The opponent won’t react if the attacker is beyond visual range or there’s no line of sight.
Characters, who prone, can only counter-attack a direct hit.
Vehicles can’t counter-attack.
Fallout Equestria KKaT
The Rovers Konstantin Kholchev
Artwork Okami http://galgannet.deviantart.com/