That’s how we’re sneaking into the gala? This is your plan?! It’ll work, fillies. Trust me. I can’t believe it worked. We’re in.
Whoa, how is Rarity not having cardiac arrest? What? My magic indicates 250 BPM on Rarity’s heartrate.
You know what that means, right? Rarity has 4 hearts? Which means…? She’s the element of Generousity.
Which means… ? I… She’s pregnant. That’s a pretty big leap of leath. I don’t think so.
You honestly think a stallion could stand her presence long enough, let alone enjoy it enough to take her on several dates?
Hey! Rarity isn’t that bad! She takes us out for ice cream sometimes. Never mind. You know I’d punish the three of you…
…if you didn’t have this epic costume. Wait- so where’s the real Rarity? About that-
I only associate the Grand Galloping Gala with heartbreak and emotional agony without end.
Opal dear, you’ll be all the company I need and all the company I want. MROWR! [Pulls out a golden ticket and darts out the door.]
I guess that leaves the two of us. I smell a slumber partyyy!