Man, RD wasn’t happy when she saw the new TMNT trailer… but remember, it could always be worse…
Personally, in my opinion, as long as it’s better than those… ATROCITIES… I’ll welcome it with open arms.
And if for some reason you don’t know what either of those are… you’re VERY lucky.
RD Panel 1) :iconrik4100: rik4100.deviantart.com/art/Rai
Panel 2) :iconleontheoriginal: leontheoriginal.deviantart.com
Panel 3) :iconhazel-schnuffington:hazel-schnuffington.deviantart
Panel 4) :iconmrlolcats17: mrlolcats17.deviantart.com/art
Pinkie Pie) :iconbobthelurker: bobthelurker.deviantart.com/ar