I backpedaled, pressing myself into the shelf, knocking down dozens of the little mystical orbs which scattered across the floor, rolling in all directions.
The dragon’s gaze was drawn momentarily to one of the rolling balls. “What exactly were you expecting to find in here anyway? Mountains of gems? Because you thought I’d enjoy needing to call down that imbecile Deadeyes every time I got a bit peckish? Did you even look in the crates?”
He laughed, the breath of his merriment heating the room until I felt I would faint. I lost all focus, my saddlebags and collected weapons clattering to the ground. He glanced at them with amusement.
“Or was it weapons? Did you hope to find a magical shotgun of dragon slaying, perhaps? Because there would ever be any dragon suicidal enough to keep something like that around the house.”
“n-n-no,” I said again, although this time he had been fairly on the nose.
The dragon reached into the room and flicked one of the orbs at me with a claw. “Go ahead. Try one. You died for this, after all.”
- Fallout: Equestria, Ch. 12
After several years of using SFM I wanted to move to Blender proper, and this is a test image using the various things I learned in that time.
Pip's model is a heavily modified SFM Pony rig I spent a while customizing with additional features, made a slightly more realistic mane and tail to match the more weathered style I was going for, aaand I made the memory orbs myself since I don't believe there was a model for those yet!
Shoutouts to my darling PonyArtistBrainiac for touching up the final render in Clip Studio Paint - Really nailed the oppressive heat of the environment Pip finds herself in!
PonyArtistBrainiac for post-render touch ups.
ReVAmped V6 SFMPony Base by AeridicCore
Stable Jumpsuit & Pip-buck by The Overmare Studios.
Dragon Heads by Gerhald3D (I just modified one to resemble Mr. Topaz).