Haven't uploaded stuff for a while, but my comeback is because my homie's getting back to drawing.
Something for Deviantart user z3lda123.
Here, Malinae, OC belonging to niclord, preggo with octuplets, is receiving some cert from Bundle Joy, with Cadance, Flurry and Grace watching on.
The cosplays, from left to right, are World from Magical Drop, Osono from Kiki's Delivery Service, Palutena from Kid Icarus, Rose Quartz from Steven Universe and Rosalina from Super Mario series. Their pregnancies respectively, are vigintuplets, octuplets, vigintuplets, duodecaplets and nonuplets.
I apologize for the character alignments. My homie did the characters individually and I arranged them together using Illustrator. Also I couldn't find a suitable stage background for this, so I may do a reupload once I found a good one