rarity had prepared her list of various sewing materials and special foods to get on her morning trip to the market. as she approached the door of her boutique she gave it a tap with her fatty hoof. the door and it's frame wobbled in place. a spell had been placed on it. she had twilight make the doors and its frame stretch like rubber so that she'd be able to squeeze in and out of the shop when needed. with a satisfied exhale she began to squeeze her way through. but as she made it half way through the door frame began to squeeze her sides. the spell was starting to wear off! she tried her best to try and get her massive rump passed the frame but to no avail... she was stuck. again. she's gonna need somepony to go get twilight a fourth time.
(super duper real quick doodle i made in a total of 4 hours. came out pretty alright!)