Story - The Enemy is Princess Cadance?
Summary: At a dark forest in the Czech Republic, Twilight Sparkle confronts her sister-in-law, who is under Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon's control. Will Twilight be able to defeat Princess Cadance, who is more evil and more powerful beyond Twilight's level?
Having been given a letter to her by Daybreaker, Twilight Sparkle has left Stockholm and teleports to the Czech Republic, where her sister-in-law is under Daybreaker's control through one of her dark spells yet again. Twilight Sparkle finds herself entering a dark forest in Czech Republic. Twilight was only looking at trees while she walked her way through the forest.
It seems very silent with no humans around in the area, much to Twilight Sparkle's relief. However, she doesn't realize that Princess Cadance is still somewhere in the forest waiting for her.
"I know Daybreaker and the rest of those evil alicorns have told me that Cadance is somewhere around here, but I can't determine where, though..." Twilight Sparkle looks left and right seeing no sign of Princess Cadance.
Just wandering her way out, Twilight Sparkle keeps her mouth silent and continues her search for her sister-in-law. Two minutes later, she later finds Princess Cadance standing in front of her. Twilight stops herself and gasps in shock upon realizing that Princess Cadance is on the dark side. In fact, just as a terrified Twilight Sparkle feels tongue-tied, Princess Cadance turns herself around and look at her, opening up her eyes. When they awakened, they were dark red, like Twilight predicted.
"Oh, no... Her eyes, they're red!" Twilight Sparkle stares directly into her sister-in-law's eyes.
"You're a couple minutes late. Glad you came, however, because now I've been looking forward to defeating you!" Princess Cadance laughed evilly as she approached Twilight with smug smirk on her face, ready to eliminate her once and for all. "I've heard you were separated from your friends, am I right?" She asked.
"That's right. I told them to go on without me, and I'm stuck dealing with my own sister-in-law who's just fell for one of Daybreaker's dark spells." Twilight Sparkle responded.
"I'm not just working for Daybreaker, I'm also friends with her now!" Princess Cadance reminds that Daybreaker and the rest of her alicorn squad got rid of the good side within her forever, meaning that darkness is forever inside her heart and a villain. "With dark powers taking control over me, I have exceeded beyond your powers and strength, now!"
Though Twilight Sparkle was upset that Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker have turned Celestia, Luna and Cadance evil and becoming villains much like they are, she knew that she can't turn her back since there's nowhere for her to run.
"You may be a traitor, but I'm not letting you defeat me so easily." Twilight Sparkle refuses to let Dark Princess Cadance take her down in a single shot.
"Don't get too confident in yourself. You forgot those four evil alicorns have took away the good side of me permanently and now, only darkness runs in my body and it grows each and every second, especially when I'm fighting you!" Princess Cadance tells Twilight Sparkle that the darkness inside her will never disappear.
Twilight Sparkle says to herself as she must stay on guard, "I know I can't get the light side of Cadance back, but I have to at least try and fight her off as long as possible. This won't be easy..."
"I hope you're ready to meet your end because I'm just about to start my attack!" Princess Cadance fired a magic blast towards Twilight Sparkle, though the latter quickly teleported herself out of the way before she was hit. She forgot Twilight is quick at teleporting.
"No wonder why she's just as dangerous as Celestia and Luna are." Twilight compares Cadance with the other two alicorn princesses who are also on the dark side working for Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. "Don't think I'm giving up so easily, Cadance! I'll win no matter what happens! I'm not losing to another evil alicorn for the third time! Not on my hooves!"
"From what I've heard, you lost to Celestia and Luna when they attacked New York and London, so that doesn't mean you stand a chance against me." Princess Cadance recalls Daybreaker reminding her the times when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have easily defeated Twilight and her friends with no ease.
Hoping she can do her best to impress her sister-in-law turned evil, Twilight Sparkle is determined to promise her friends that she will give up victory while her friends are elsewhere in Europe. She flaps up her wings, and Princess Cadance does the same, hence the showdown is just beginning.
It's a chase throughout the dark forest. Cadance fires multiple magic beam attacks at Twilight Sparkle as they are flying. Twilight notices this and dodges every single one of her attacks in time.
"I can give you credit for missing my hits, but it seems I must stop you from trying to run away from me any further, Twilight!" Princess Cadance prevents Twilight Sparkle from moving using her magic and quickly flies towards her to get an opening attack.
"Ugh! I can't get out! I can't break free out of her magic. It's too strong!" Twilight Sparkle failed to get herself out of Cadance's dark red magic, not even her own magic could help her.
Princess Cadance prepares for a devastating attack by kicking Twilight in the stomach hard enough, sending her down back on the ground. Twilight Sparkle recovers after hitting the ground with her face flat on the dirt. She wiped it off with her magic, making sure her face was clean.
"Darn it! How are you this powerful?" Twilight Sparkle wants to know why Princess Cadance is anywhere beyond her level.
"Did I not made point clear that I am a lot stronger than you? Because darkness is flowing within me, that means I have more powers and more strength, and they are limitless!" Cadance had to restate her reason to Twilight Sparkle about why she's the better alicorn between her and Twilight. "Face it, you're never gonna win, even if your friends were here to help you."
"So? There's no need for them anyway. The fight is just between me and you, so don't you dare try and bring my friends into this silly mess!" Twilight Sparkle shouted.
Unfortunately, Princess Cadance came closer silencing Twilight's mouth, reprimanding her, "Lower that tone of yours. You best watch you who you're talking with me, weakling! I'm Dark Princess Cadance!"
Princess Cadance punched Twilight Sparkle in the face with her front left hoof, sending her straight down on to the ground, sending her slightly far away. Twilight Sparkle looked up and saw Cadance taunting her with an evil smirk, saying, "You're the weakest out of all the alicorns! Me, Celestia, Luna, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon are all beyond your level of power and strength. You don't have anything that could stop us all, loser!"
"That's what you think, Cadance... And I'm definitely not the weakest alicorn, either..." Twilight Sparkle breathes heavily while she got back up on all four hooves and get ready to continue the fight.
"Says the alicorn who's on the side of light, and the only alicorn heroine left." Princess Cadance mocked Twilight Sparkle for being just the only alicorn fighter who's not a villain like her and the rest.
"What?!" Twilight Sparkle replied back with an angry look on her face.
Dark Princess Cadance cackles loudly and she levitates Twilight Sparkle into the air and then quickly brings her towards, striking her in the stomach with her knee, causing Twilight Sparkle to cough and lose consciousness within her.
"How could this be happening...? This isn't fair..." Twilight Sparkle wondered why at this very moment, her sister-in-law was way too powerful.
"I've made my point clear already that you can't keep up with me. If this is all you can do to satisfy me, let me tell you something, it's not leaving me happy at all." Princess Cadance was not pleased with Twilight's fighting skills right now and she was clearly just annoyed every time Twilight failed to impress her.
Offended, Twilight Sparkle angrily charged at Princess Cadance with full power, attempting to hit and kick Dark Princess Cadance, but the cruel and wicked alicorn just kept feeling nothing, not even a scratch on her was felt.
Before the Princess of Friendship could attack the evil alicorn any further, Princess Cadance used a freezing spell on her, stopping her while her hooves weren't touching the ground.
With this spell in effect, Twilight Sparkle can't move and can't say anything either, giving Dark Princess Cadance the perfect opportunity to see the opening attack and then gets behind her, slamming the good alicorn down with two powerful hooves.
"I have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide." Twilight Sparkle told herself as she was clearly getting beaten pretty bad. "Cadance is on the dark side and she won't let me get out of here alive."
"You got that right! I'm definitely gonna finish you where you're standing!" Princess Cadance activated her magic at full power and prepare for a devastating blow to defeat Twilight Sparkle once and for all. "Victory will be mine and I'm not backing down tonight. This is the end for you! You won't be waking up for a while once I do this to you..."
"Oh, no...!" Twilight Sparkle reacted with shock as Cadance's magic was approaching her very fast.
Twilight Sparkle started flying and Dark Princess Cadance chased her throughout the woods. Time was clearly running out and while targeting Twilight, the evil alicorn fired multiple magic blasts, hoping she could knock out Twilight, but Twilight moved quickly, and instead her attacks ended up hitting some trees, destroying them.
Thinking that she escaped from her sister-in-law, Twilight rests herself behind a tree that was still standing and she feels tired of fighting Cadance. However, the dark princess soon found her and then levitated her, striking her hard in the stomach for the second time.
"I told you, there's no winning for you, and I'll be sure you don't escape me this time." Dark Princess Cadance reminded Twilight Sparkle that everything's over and there wasn't anything she could do to stop her.
Although Twilight Sparkle tried to break free from Cadance, it was no use and when Cadance released her magic, Twilight fell and Dark Princess Cadance delivered a punishing gut punch with one powerful kick, causing Twilight Sparkle to lose her strength, and she couldn't fight her sister-in-law any longer. With a loud thud to the ground, Twilight Sparkle laid on the floor and the rest.
With this, Dark Princess Cadance was declared the winner as she took a look at the unconscious purple alicorn, leaving her there as she walked away and return to her fellow alicorn allies.
"Sleep well, Twilight..." Dark Princess Cadance said before creating a portal and walk right through it.
Meanwhile, in an unknown location within the real world...
"It was a good idea to have Cadance on our side, like it things should've have been from the start." Nightmare Moon told Daybreaker, Dark Princess Celestia and Dark Princess Luna, seeing that turning Princess Cadance into an evil forever was really a plan after all.
"And since she's with us, there'll be no one in the world that can stop us now!" Daybreaker laughed evilly as her goal of having the three alicorn princesses completely evil and being villains came with success. "Having erased the good sides of Celestia, Luna and Cadance for good means they will remain villains forever."
"I can tell this is gonna be a dream for us, but a nightmare for Twilight and her foolish friends..." Dark Princess Celestia said, seeing that five evil alicorns would be too much of a problem for everyone.
"At least we don't gotta worry about dealing with those pathetic mortals. They're too weak to stop us anyway. The military, the earthlings, they can't stop us." Dark Princess Luna told her fellow alicorn squad, who all nodded and agreed with the words she said. "Things are just turning out the way it should be."
Just then, the four evil alicorns see a portal appearing before them, and then, they realize it is Princess Cadance, who just got back from defeating Twilight Sparkle in a forest in the country of the Czech Republic.
"Princess Cadance, how did your mission go?" Daybreaker asks Princess Cadance about how her mission went while they were not around.
Dark Princess Cadance gives her response, answering, "It was all good, absolutely perfect! Twilight couldn't even keep up with me and I was just too much for her to handle. She fought as hard as she could against me, but it wasn't good enough to save her, and in the end, I finished her off by kicking her in the gut. She's currently sleeping."
"Well, good, I knew you could shut Twilight up and stop her from helping her friends." Daybreaker congratulates her newest alicorn friend for completing the mission she was given and hugs her, knowing that she is just as useful as Celestia and Luna are.
"It seems her friends are dealing with Mane Allgood in Edinburgh, am I right?" Dark Princess Luna asked Daybreaker.
"Yes, and it could be difficult for them to defeat her without the help of Twilight Sparkle at this moment, and this sure is trouble for them all." Daybreaker informs Dark Princess Luna that the Mane Five may have a hard time defeating Mane Allgood and breaking her free from Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon's control.
Back in the dark forest in Czech Republic, Twilight Sparkle was still resting, but a few seconds later, her eyes somehow opened up and managed to wake up from her unconsciousness and realized that Princess Cadance left and is nowhere to be found at this time, leaving her all alone in the forest.
"It's all my fault... I lost my sister-in-law, and now she's on Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon's side forever, and I can't get her back on my side ever again!" Twilight Sparkle slammed her hoof to the ground in frustration that Cadance, Celestia and Luna are all working for the two evil corrupted alicorns and there's no good alicorns left aside from Twilight herself.
Deciding to sit down for a while, Twilight Sparkle had to wait until she's fully at full strength to help her friends in Edinburgh, which is currently the city a giant evil Mane Allgood is attacking. Twilight Sparkle was saddened that Princess Cadance would betray her and join the other four evil alicorns with their plans.